Implement your next LMS faster, better and more affordably

Launch your next learning product faster
Reduce costs & increase effectiveness
Plan your next learning product with experts
Discover how we’ve helped over 200 customers scale their elearning
Limited capacity - 1 space remaining for September

Swap guess work for efficiency

The hidden co$t of poor LMS planning

If off-the-shelf LMSs don't meet your standards for quality or flexibility, you might decide to create your own custom learning app for a truly premium, no-compromise experience.
However, while it can be tempting to jump right into building your next learning platform, poor strategic planning and technical decision-making can create significant (and sometimes irreversable) issues:
Delayed launches, lost opportunities, longer ROI
Poor user experiences that frustrate learners and customers
Disruptive “redoes” and expensive re-platforming
Growth ceilings with unscalable tech and processes
Poor outcomes from lack of clarity & direction
Increased operational costs
The Innovator Blueprint is the foundation for success
Trusted by 200+ businesses, the LMS Innovator Blueprint is a proven strategy for delivering successful learning apps

Launch faster

Trial and error costs time and money. Get expert guidance to launch quicker, avoid redoes & reach your goals faster.

Optimized for results

Ensures your product meets key outcomes and KPIs, delivering what matters most to your business.

Scale with ease

Factor in your growth plans so that your technology never holds you back, avoiding future re-platforming.


How does the Innovator Blueprint work?
You don’t need to know all the answers or be particularly technical - our team will collaborate with yours to build a plan that everyone can get behind.

Collaborative workshops

Short, guided workshops with our experts to plan your product.

Interactive prototypes

Visualize your ideas, created by user experience designers.

Strategic technical planning

From documenting scope to planning scalable architecture.

Strategy pack + estimates

A documented plan that everyone can understand.


Receive a comprehensive strategy pack to guide your efforts

Why work with Plume

to plan your next learning app?

There are a million generalist agencies, but none that truly specialise in learning apps.
A decade of specialist experience delivering over 200+ custom learning technology products
Delivered work for Fortune 100 brands like Google, established training organizations and funded startups
Trusted partner for accelerating e-learning growth
Experts across LMS development, UX design, course creation and strategy - for 360 degree planning
Unbeatable delivery timelines - 6x faster than in-house development and generalist agencies

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This entire process was extraordinarily organised. We went into scoping and design, which was really exciting to see the product form. I saw results straight away.

Seida Wood, CEO @ JD Genius


"The Plume team knows their stuff, but most importantly they know how to listen to a client’s needs and translate those needs into an actionable plan.”

Matt Bramble, CEO & Leverage Lab

Verified review


“From the initial discussions to the delivery of the blueprint, we have felt listened to and understood, challenged and guided as needed.”

Andy Pearce, Director @ On Track Learning

Verified review


"I’m struggling to come to terms... This is exactly what we wanted - you’ve been able to take an idea out of my head and make it happen"

Kevin Somerville MD @ Let’s Get Sporty

Verified review


Blueprint packages for any stage of business
100% satisfaction or it's free

Get your team together for strategic alignment and product roadmapping
Money back guarantee
Detailed scoping and visual wireframes for key requirements
Money back guarantee
Create a premium experience for your customers
Money back guarantee
Double-up on your commitment to User Experience
Money back guarantee
Limited capacity - 1 space remaining for September

Frequently asked questions

Question not answered? Book a call.

Does it take ages to deliver?

No. While generalist providers may require months to work out how to actually deliver your vision, as a specialist LMS studio, we've already done it 200+ times. Scope Starter can be delivered in under a week

How much time do I need to put in?

About 2 - 8 hours in total, depending on your package.

What if I'm not technical, or I don't know what we need?

That's fine, you don't need to be technical or know what features are required. Tell us your goals and we'll work out the rest. Many of our deliverables will use simple language for non-technical stakeholders.

Who should I invite?

You, plus up to 4 others. We encourage you to bring those most invested in the outcomes of the product and those most influential in the budgetary and decision-making process. This helps us to deliver great work, be efficient with your time and avoid blockers.

What happens after?

If we decide to move forward together into the full build, we'll have everything we need to draw up agreements and get started. If for any reason we decide not to move forward, that's totally fine - you're free to deliver the project by other means with the strategy we created for you.

Not happy with your Blueprint?
We’ll refund you, 100% risk free.
Book a call to learn more.

Contact us
Discover how Plume can help you to scale your business.
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