Case Study

Enabling scalability with process automation and engagement boosters

  • Client

    Aesthetic Hub
  • Service

    Automation & engagement

Manual processes made it impossible to scale

Smileworks’ existing LMS was becoming increasingly time-consuming and expensive to manage. Almost every process was manually carried out, from registration of new customers to managing training allocations.

As their customer base increased, as did the manual labor required to manage the technology which increased operating costs and presented a significant barrier to scalability.

Automating registrations and enrolment

Since one of the biggest challenges was around the registration, onboarding and enrolling of new customers into their courses, we sought to automate the entire workflow. We designed a new marketing website and LMS that ensured a seamless experience from the marketing website through to course completion.

The technology managed payments as well as instant registration, onboarding and enrolment into the appropriate courses.

Importantly, the user didn’t have to leave the marketing website to log into a different LMS, so the cohesive user experience ensured that usability never became a barrier to the learning.

Gamification to boost engagement

Encouraging daily logins is proven to increase product use so we created daily streaks as a way to turn learning into a repeatable daily habit.

Badges rewarded learners for major learning milestones such as the completion of a course or reaching full marks on quizzes.

And rewarding points that contribute toward a learner’s level helped to encourage learners to increase their average session time (similar systems are used in video games to keep people engaged).

Improving the effectiveness of the marketing website

We wanted to ensure a seamless experience from the marketing website to the LMS, so we decided to build the marketing website and LMS in tandem.

Search engine optimization was a key marketing strategy for Smileworks, so we ensured the foundational technology was appropriately optimized for Google. This included building the appropriate information architecture and using LMS-approved speed optimization techniques to improve performance.

Once users were on the website, it was important that they converted into paying customers. We designed a conversion-focused course landing page template that Smileworks re-use for each course, designed to handle the common objections that a prospective customer might have.

The resource library

Although structured courses are great, sometimes customers just need to quickly access information relevant to a situation they find themselves in.

To support this style of learning approach, the “resources” page combined all of the course resources the learner has access to. This includes PDFs, videos, external links and documents. This was automatically populated based on the contents of the larger course, and was updated in real-time as the courses grew.

What else?

There's a lot more to Smilework's Aesthetics Hub. Here are a few more highlights:

  • A notification system for promotional messages, badge unlocks and milestones
  • Payment and booking system for models
  • Easy course-authoring tools inside of the LMS
  • Social tools to allow student to student communication
  • Page builder to allow self-creation of new landing pages
  • CRM integration to supercharge marketing efforts

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