Case Study

Personalised learning experiences and B2B tools for an employee soft skills platform

  • Client

    Career Master Class
  • Service

    B2B LMS

Preparing for future growth

Career Masterclass is a career development platform, helping people in the UK, Nigeria, US and Canada to advance their careers. With a successful ‘version one’ learning management system already thriving, they were keen to elevate their offering in order to cement their position in the market and enable future growth plans. We were asked to:

- Create a highly engaging learning experience through rich personalisation
- For B2B clients, provide self-user management and progress reporting tools
- Better prepare the product for a Nigerian user-base

Increased engagement via personalised learning journeys for every user

At the heart of Career Masterclass’ service is their commitment to creating highly engaging content, with custom learning paths tailored to the needs of each and every individual user. Deep personalisation is difficult to achieve at scale, so we were asked to automate the assessment and content recommendation process.

Learner needs assessment

Following registration, learners are asked to complete a quick assessment which aims to determine the user’s career goals and current knowledge levels, using this to build a learning plan that is highly relevant to the individual. This increases engagement, leading to more course completions, improved customer satisfaction and longer retention. The personalised user dashboard also presents articles, webinars, templates and videos that will be relevant to the learner at their specific career stage and goals.

Matched with mentors for 1 on 1 support

And to top it off, learners are matched with a Mentor who has expertise in the user’s career goal, allowing learners to book one-on-one time to get the specialist support they need.

Self-management tools for B2B clients

As with most training companies, Career Masterclass expected the majority of their users to come from B2B sales. But with B2B clients comes a lot of user management and reporting - responsibilities which would normally have to be carried out by a human - which is time-consuming, expensive and unscalable. We built comprehensive self-management tools for B2B clients, allowing them to purchase additional seats, add and remove learners in bulk, and generate reports on their employee’s progress. Not only does this reduce management time required by the Career Masterclass team, but it means that their client’s do not have to wait to onboard new employees or generate reports - the power is in their hands.

Optimised to support a Nigerian audience

Career Masterclass recognised that a significant portion of their users would live in Nigeria, which introduced a number of challenges; slow internet speeds, a predominantly mobile user-base and difficulties with online payments (due to Nigerian government limitations). It was imperative that we could create a service which was accessible to these users. We heavily optimised the LMS, both in terms of mobile usability and performance, to create a user experience that thrives even on slower connections. We also implemented a location aware payment gateway that circumvented many of the challenges faced by Nigerian payment gateways.

What else?

Career Masterclass’ system is so vast, we can’t detail them all - but here are some more of the highlights:

- A communities tool, allowing users with shared goals and interests to communicate

- Certificate and badge sharing on social networks for free promotional opportunities

-Webinars and events with Zoom integrationMentor matching and booking tool for one-on-one time

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